The key painting here--If Thats Ya Man is Jason Fox himself--in the studio, with the Hood Presidents (for the video, see The Cipha Sound Effect Presents--The Aunt Jackie).
One more thing--I look at all of the videos WITHOUT sound--visitations, out of Maya in the first part of A Study in Choreography for Camera made in 1945.
So, why Tricia Brouk at the outset? Yes, why...
A Brooklyn diner--or somewhere on Tenth Avenue, the kind with the metal exterior, thirties moderne, a brassy waitress and coffee in a white mug. "Never drink tea from a mug," her grandmother warned--that was Tel Aviv, not Lódz...but still good Old-World advice. How to apply in New York, this is the question. She bends forward, sleeveless dress, about to fix a shoe. Light from the curtained window pours in across the table, speckled linoleum, silver trim. All of one piece--that's the longing--all of one piece...